Sunday, August 29, 2010

Episode Five of our 2010 Journey

Cincinnati, OH
Friday Aug 20th to Aug 29th

We arrived one day early just so Jim could relive the summer heat in the Ohio Valley that he remembers growing up. We pulled into Indian Springs Campground, a park that we have come to for ten years. It’s a comfortable setting on a lake located on State Line Road between Indiana and Ohio. We settled in and had a relaxing dinner.

Saturday - Since we have been on the road a week household tasks are in order. Sheryl did laundry and cleaned so Jim got out of her way and went shopping. Afterwards we went to Evergreen Cemetery to research some of Jim’s ancestors and had lunch at Dixie Chile. It is probably the foremost “Cincinnati Chili” parlor in Northern KY, check it out at:

Sunday – It was another research day, even though the weather was hot and humid, we visited the cemetery where Jim’s paternal ancestors are buried. The graves of everyone but his grandparents were located so we’ll have to return during the week when the office will be open.

Next, the neighborhood where Jim's father grew up and where three maiden aunts and a bachelor uncle lived together from about 1910 to the late 1960’s. The house has been maintained and is in good condition. There were people sitting on the porch so Jim explained why he wanted to take a picture. They were extremely interested in what Jim had to say and ask about events in the house because they said the house haunted. They invited Jim in, but he declined.

Our dinner plans are with college friends and wives at the Hofbrauhaus in Newport, KY. It is a fun place and we had a very entertaining and attentive waiter.

Monday is a trip with friends from Fort Myers who summer upriver in Ohio. The destination is EnterTRAINment – a rail enthusiasts dream. And, the good news, it is indoors under a/c. Check out our photos of this interesting place at our Photo web site:

Tuesday we go to Mariemont, and have lunch at the Inn with clients. This village is so charming and has an interesting history. It was the vision of Mary Emery and is Tudor in style. This evening we are home for dinner and decide on pizza; the special was a large one for less money than the medium one. You guessed it – large for us. It was more than we could manage so Sheryl took half to the couple across from us who are from North Fort Meyers and invites them for cocktails Wednesday. It is great to make new friends!

Today, Wednesday we are off to Louisville to have lunch with two couples we met in the 1970’s when Jim joined the model railroad club and was starting to build his layout in our basement. We had a wonderful time catching up and Sheryl missed the Hot Browns. Have you noticed yet, trains and eating seem to be a common theme?

Thursday is cemetery searching again and this time we are joined by Jim’s cousin and her husband who have driven almost two hours to met us. After finding the gravesites, we are headed to Dixie Chili for our second time this visit. This evening finds us at a small cafĂ© in Bellevue, Kentucky to have dinner with high school friends. The weather has turned more like fall so we opt to sit outside.

Friday we are on the road in the Explorer headed toward Lexington, Kentucky to another charming town, Midway. We had lunch with college football teammates and their wives. It was a sizeable group in more than just the number of us.

Saturday and our time in Cincinnati is coming to an end, but before we depart, we are off to Mason, Ohio for lunch with Jim’s cousins. We had a great time and vow to get together more than every 20 years. We are back at the motorhome in time to have farewell cocktails with our new friends from North Fort Meyers.

Sunday morning we are awake early and on the road at 7:00 a.m. for our drive to St. Louis and more trains and food.


  1. Hi, Jim & Sheryl! Thanks for sharing your travel blog with us!! Enjoy your travel adventures after a 2 yr hiatus. Your pics bring back fond memories of the time we spent with you several years ago. We are in Edmonton-- eagerly awaiting fall. We will head out mid to late Oct. Rex is busily working on his new web site Vogel Talks Rving.
    Happy Trails!!

  2. Hi Jim and Sheryl,
    So glad you shared this site with us! We just talked to you on Saturday but very fun to see the pictures and read the overview. We certainly won't wait 20 years to see you again!
    Enjoy your time on your wonderful adventures!
    Please be safe!
