Sunday, August 15, 2010

The coach has been parked in its garage for nearly two years. It’s ready to roll and so are we. For those of you who are not aware of our limited travel capability, Louise our 12-yr old Aussie, was diagnosed with congestive heart failure two years ago. She cannot go to high altitude, so that leaves out our place in Colorado. So, we stayed in Naples last summer, the first summer in 18 years. We are all packed for a six-week trip, Louise has her medication and so do we.

The first segment of our long awaited trip can be referred to as Day Zero. The Girls were as eager as we were to climb the stairs into the motorhome. We enjoyed the view out of the front window as we settled in while dinner was cooking. Oh the comforts of home as we were safely tucked in the motorhome in the RV garage for our first night of ‘not quite on the road’. We got the Explorer hooked up just as it started to rain and to Jim’s amazement, Sheryl remembered the code to get the car in “Neutral Tow” mode.

Jim couldn’t wait to get his new Verizon MiFi (mobile Hot-spot) hooked up so all four computers could do their thing. Everything worked perfectly (much to Sheryl’s relief).

After the rain stopped and dinner was over, we took a walk so The Girls could check out the yard and get their business done before we went to bed. After all the preparing, we were now ready to hit the road.

Day One, Sunday 8/15, finds us northbound on I-75 with Cummins Coach Care in Ocala our destination for service tomorrow. They have hook-ups so we’ll make ourselves at home. Once docked, we will meet clients who live at The Villages for an early dinner. The MiFi has worked great on the go and we can send/receive email, check out weather or whatever.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah!
    The girls and the token boy are on the road again! Rollin, rollin, rollin, yeah ha rawhide!

    Safe travels....

    Might see ya' in TX.....
    The Dude...
