Monday, September 20, 2010

Chapter Nine of our 2010 Trip

Blue Eye, AR
Sunday Sep 12th to Sep 18th

The drive from Carthage to Outdoor Resorts of the Ozarks only took a couple of hours. We went through Springfield and just south of Branson we turned onto a two lane county road with 20 mph hairpin turns and a bridge just wide enough for two cars. If a truck was approaching us, our mirrors could crash if we were too close. It reminded us of the bridge over the Mississippi at Cairo. Fortunately nothing was coming our way. We went through the town of Blue Eye, population 36, and finally saw a sign for the resort, what a relief to know we were on the right road.

Outdoor Resorts is a secluded place for us to relax and explore northern Arkansas, a place we haven’t been before. Only 32 miles north is Branson with all of its restaurants and attractions. We are using one of our dealer’s three lots right on the lake, it’s a beautiful setting. This must be the off season because only about one-third of the park has motorhomes.

Monday we drove to Berryville and Green Forest, AR in search of an alternate route when we leave on Saturday. Anything is better than crossing that damn bridge again. The road is actually better to Green Forest so we will go that way to Dallas, and the best thing, it shortens our trip by three miles. And that’s a half a gallon of fuel, so the saving is $1.46.

Tuesday found us meeting our good friends who live and work in Branson. Jason is an entertainer and has a show every night from 7 to 9 pm, meeting for dinner is out. So, mid-way between us is the Big Cedar Lodge where we met for lunch. It’s an historic lodge and only 411 miles from Des Moines. Can you believe it; Sheryl had the chicken livers with mashed potatoes and gravy as an appetizer. The only problem was that it didn’t have bacon. Trish suggested the Smoked Trout with horseradish sauce; she has been there before and knows how good it is. Jim played poker this evening at the clubhouse; he lost $5, but wasn’t the first one out.

Wednesday we were on the road to Eureka Springs. It’s a Victorian village that had a reputation for its healing springs. So, in the 1870’s it became a destination for people seeking good health and was frequented by people from Chicago and St. Louis who built their summer homes here (they didn’t have RVs then). So, it was a tourist trap then and nothing has changed. We visited the Eureka Springs & North Arkansas Railway depot but did not ride the dinner train. The fare was $13 and another $35 for "Chicken Eurekan". We didn’t want to find out what that was.

On the way back to Outdoor Resorts, we stopped in Berryville to get some groceries as stores are few and far. Berryville is the biggest town in the vicinity with a large Tyson facility. In the countryside we had noticed many chicken houses with a small Tyson sign and now we know why. After lunch we took a short ride to Permission Hill which had been recommended to us. They grow all kinds of berries and shitake mushrooms. They had just picked a tray of mushrooms so we had to buy some. Their blueberries are as big as marbles and very good.

Thursday was a quiet day to catch up on office and home things. Jim had to make a trip to Home Depot in Branson to get a microwave light. He could have gotten into a ton of trouble as all his favorite stores were conveniently clustered for easy shopping.

Friday our friends from Branson came down for lunch and meet The Girls. We had a picnic lunch overlooking the lake and continued to catch up. It was great to have more time with them. The park had a wine and cheese get together at 5:00 p.m. and there was a small crowd. It actually turned out to be dinner as they had all kinds of food.

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